Stop ipad from downloading apps added to appletv

Oddly, the same apps are not download on both iOS devices. Some appear on my iPhone, while others appear on my iPad. Some appear on both. Posted on Nov 7, AM. Page content loaded. Nov 7, AM. Nov 7, AM in response to anilsudhakaran In response to anilsudhakaran.

That might prevent the download of additional incompatible apps. But I still can't figure out how to delete these incompatible apps. That's a really interesting problem. I haven't run into it myself, but I do have a couple of comments. First, these are not "incompatible apps" - all of the ones you mention do have iOS versions for iPad or iPhone.

So the problem isn't that these are getting installed when they shouldn't, your problem is that for some reason they won't start up and you can't delete them. My guess is that somehow the installation of the apps got interrupted, and now iOS is confused about whether they are completely installed or not that would also explain why iTunes can't see them - they're not really fully installed. Did you restart your iPad and iPhone? That sometimes clears up installation issues. After you restart, you might find that the apps are gone, or that they are starting to re-install themselves if that happens, let it finish.

If there're not gone and not re-installing themselves, go to the app store on your iPad or iPhone and search for those apps. If there's an "install" or "get" or "paused" button, go ahead and tap it. That should re-install the apps correctly. Then you can test if they work, keep the ones you want and you should be able to delete the ones you don't want.

Another approach would be to download those apps in iTunes, then sync your iPad and iPhone to install them that way at which point you can delete them - the idea is that once they are correctly installed, the ability to delete will come back. One more thing - I just noticed the "VPN" indicator on your screen shot.

That might be masking your location, so the apps are refusing to run or fully install most of these apps have international licensing restrictions. Enjoy this tip? Subscribe to our newsletter! Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Jameson says:.

September 19, at pm. Kate says:. May 13, at am. Joe says:. January 12, at pm. Gabrielle says:. June 12, at am. This is because of a feature in iOS called Automatic Downloads.

The Automatic Downloads feature is capable of downloading apps, music, and books automatically across all your devices that are using the same Apple ID. It also has a feature to automatically update apps in the background so that you always have the latest version of apps installed. While this feature could be very useful, it has a couple of drawbacks as well. The major issue is that it could consume a lot of mobile data if large apps are downloaded automatically without your knowledge.


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